Bees eat pollen and nectar.
They use the
first one basically as food for their larvae, and the second one as energetic
material. The most popular specie is the common bee, a social insect which live
in communities formed by three classes of individuals: the queen, the working
bees and the drones.
However, most of them are solitaries, so
they don’t create communities.
Bees transmit the pollen from one flower to
This is very important for the reproduction of plants.
It is said that without bees, the humans
would be extinguish in for years.
It is believed that exist near thirty thousand
types of species, although we just know twenty thousand.
Humans use bees to obtain honey and wax.
Good post Javier! Have you written all of this? Your English is improving quite fast and good, keep practising with Ale! Victor Duran